Fantasy Faire 2022 was closed.

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[This event is over - not available, Faireland disappeared behind a mist]
Fantasy Faire 2022 has successfully ended.
I'm pleased to report the amount of donation from Honey Dragon.

・Dinkie tuxedo skin // darkbrown: L$990-(10)
・Mimi Pyoko HUD III: L$3080-(35)
・Sweet eyes for Dinkie bunny L$1480-(8)
・Strawberry Dress (auction) L$1500-(1)
・Fantasy Faire 2022 gift L$0-(86)
・Dinkie tuxedo skin // funnypurple (quest prize) L$0-(many)
total: L$7050-

I’m not able to contribute a large amount of money, but various people who were able to hold Honey Dragon products in their hands and look at them, So I able to spend a very meaningful time. Thank you so much. (I hope to be able to donate more next year...)

Although Faireland was disappear into the behind mist world far from the human world, the three items sold at the faire will be available for purchase from May 13, as donation vendors will be set up in the main store for the rest of the month.
Of course, all proceeds from the sales of these items will be donated to the faire.
I will remove these items in June and report the amount of donation again (although I don't think it will be that much...).

Finally, I would like to appreciate the organizers, staff, builders, and creators of Fantasy Faire 2022 for all their hard work. I'm proud to have been part of this warm event.

Fantasy Faire 2022 marked my first time participating in Fantasy Faire as a store. Originally, I was a traveler every year I participated in the activity for a cancer-free world because many people in my family have died of cancer and many of my pets, which are my beloved family members, have also died of cancer. And every time, I longed to be in Faireland.
This time, by taking the plunge and applying, I was able to participate for the first time as a store, and I am so, so glad I did. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful time.
If a cancer-free day will come for humans, then surely a cancer-free day will come for pets as well. That is why I will continue my activities.And I hope to see you back at Faireland next year 🐈

2022.5.13 from Rosé (ロゼ) with Love💕


Fantasy Faire 2022、無事終了いたしました。
Honey Dragonからの寄付額のご報告をいたします。

・Dinkie tuxedo skin // darkbrown: L$990-(10)
・Mimi Pyoko HUD III: L$3080-(35)
・Sweet eyes for Dinkie bunny L$1480-(8)
・Strawberry Dress (auction) L$1500-(1)
・Fantasy Faire 2022 gift L$0-(86)
・Dinkie tuxedo skin // funnypurple (quest prize) L$0-(many)
合計: L$7050-



最後になりましたが、Fantasy Faire 2022の主催者の皆様、スタッフの皆様、ビルダーの皆様、そしてクリエイターの皆様には大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。この暖かいイベントに参加できたことを誇りに思っています。

Fantasy Faire 2022で、私は店舗として初めてファンタジーフェアーに参加しました。元々私の家系には癌で亡くなる方が多く、また大切な家族の一員であるペットも癌で亡くしている事が多いため癌の無い世界を目指す活動には毎回旅人として参加していました。そして毎回フェアランドに憧れていました。

2022.5.13 from Rosé (ロゼ) with Love💕


Honey Dragon inworld store
Honey Dragon Marketplace
*The in-world store offers even better prices than Marketplace.